後生動物の系統Metazoan phylogeny

最近では,より大きなデータセットでの分子系統学的解析が行われて,後生動物の系統関係に関する仮説は更新されています.例:直泳動物が環形動物の一部に(Schiffer et al. 2018);毛顎動物が顎口動物,輪形動物(+鉤頭動物),微顎動物と近縁(Marletaz et al. 2019).

In the above tree, metazoan phyla known around our center are in bold.

Metazoans, or animals, are grouped into over 30 phyla.
Each phylum is characterised by its unique body plan.
Before molecular phylogenetics, the phylogenetic relationships of these phyla were inferred by morphology.
The molecular approach reivsed the morphology based hypotheses and now, analyses of larger datasets enabled by genome-scale data and advanced computer powers are updating our knowlwdge (e.g. Marletaz et al. 2019).

The phylogenetic position of Xenoacoelomorpha is still debated but here the tree followed Kapli and Telford (2020).