For Users

User instructions

The center can be used for the following purposes:
marine biology courses and seminars
research activities of students and researchers (e.g. graduate students, postdocs, teachers)
collection of materials for research and education


Application form

The application form is available as an excel file. Please fill out the form and send it by e-mail (asamushi(at), two weeks in advance of your arrival. Please contact center's staff for availability of equipments and request for onboard sampling.

Guest rules

Please follow the following rules at the center.
1. Smoking is prohibited.
2. Please make sure to lock your room. We are not responsible for any loss or damage of your belongings.
3. Please pay your bill in cash at the administration office (open on weekdays 9:00-16:00) upon your departure.
4. The checkout time is 9:30. Please return your used sheets in the laundry bag near the entrance of the dormitory.
5. Lunch (700 yen/meal) is served from 12:00-13:00 and dinner (700 yen/meal) is served from 17:30-18:30 at the dining room [Please note the requested number of meals in the application form].
6. Bathrooms are available any time excluding 10:00am-4pm(cleaning time).
7. Laundry machines are available free of charge.

See User Guide for detail.

An e-mail address for Administration office: asamushi(at)


About domitory

The Center has a dormitory for visitors. It provides a dining room, 8 bedrooms, a barrier-free room, a cafeteria, a shower room (6 people), a bathroom (4 people), a lounge, and washing machines with dryers. Foods, drinks and daily necessities are obtainable in a convenience store nearby the Center (10 min by walk, 24h open).

Fees for staying

1. Laundry charge for bedding: 600 yen/ a stay
2. Meals
Lunch and Dinner can be served on request at the dining room during the weekdays.
time/ price
Lunch: 12:00 – 13:00 / 700 yen
Dinner: 17:30 – 18:30 / 700 yen

Please read the user's information carefully and follow the rules in it.



Facilities for Education and Research

The chief buildings consist of a main building, an outdoor aquarium house, a boat house and a dormitory. The main building (1 ,270m) is a two storied concrete structure and divided into 27 rooms.

Teaching laboratory

An open laboratory space for marine biology courses and visitors (max. 40 people). It has tanks and sinks for natural and filtered seawater, tap water sinks, power supply for each bench, incubators, refrigerators, a video projector, and WiFi.

Conference room

A video projector and WiFi are available.


Holdings include journals, proceedings, and illustrated books on marine organisms.

Sea water tank room

Concrete tanks (10 t, 5t), FRP tanks of various sizes, small glass aquarium of various sizes are installed.
Note: We may not be able to meet your wishes due to the space limitation.

Research vessels

Utou III: 9.3 m, 2.7t, 300HP, max. 12 people

Scuba locker room

A locker room with a shower space.
Scuba equipments must be prepared by visitors. Divers must follow the diving rules of the center and obtain the director's permission.

Instruments available in the Teaching laboratory

The number of instruments is indicated in parentheses.
Biological microscope Nikon ECLIPSE E200 (with dark field slider) (27)
Stereo microscope Olympus SZ61 (transmitted and vertical illumination) (26)
Stereo microscope Olympus VM (vertical illumination) (19)
Phase contrast microscope Olympus BX41 (3)

Other instruments available at the center

Fluorescent stereo microscope Nikon SMZ18
Fluorescent inverted microscope Nikon ECLIPSE Ti
and phase contrast microscopes, differential interference contrast microscopes, a high-speed refrigerated centrifuge, a real-time PCR system, and so forth.

Please contact us if other apparatuses are available.